Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-25669] Android: when using Ti.UI.Toolbar as ActionBar, onHomeIconItemSelected doesn't work

GitHub Issuen/a
ResolutionNot Our Bug
Resolution Date2018-01-15T09:15:05.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/sn/a
Labelsandroid, drawerlayout, toolbar
ReporterGuillermo Figueras


I'm using a Toolbar as an ActionBar and I want to show the left drawer menu when clicking on the navigation icon, but the problem is that nothing happens when I click it. Check my code below. view/xml:
	<Window class="container" id="window" onOpen="open" title="Directions List" >
		<DrawerLayout id="drawerLayout">
						title="Directions List"
						navigationIcon="/icons/nav_menu_white.png" / > 
					<Label text="test" />


	theme : 'AppTheme.TransBtns.Drawer',
	windowSoftInputMode: Ti.UI.Android.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_HIDDEN
android theme:
<style name="AppTheme.TransBtns.Drawer" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    	<item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
        <item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>
	<item name="android:buttonStyle">
function open() {
	var activity = $.window.getActivity();
	if (activity) {
		var actionBar = activity.getActionBar();
		if (actionBar) {
			actionBar.displayHomeAsUp = true;
			actionBar.onHomeIconItemSelected = function() {
I tried showing on console the value of activity.getActionBar() and apparently it shows the value of the original ActionBar, the one which isn't visible, instead of showing the Toolbar. I also tried this but nothing happens:
// $.actionBar is the id of the Toolbar
$.actionBar.onHomeIconItemSelected = function() {


  1. Mostafizur Rahman 2018-01-13

    Hello [~gfigueras], Thanks for sharing with us. Can you please share a complete runnable test case with us to reproduce the issue on our end?
  2. Guillermo Figueras 2018-01-15

    Hi Mostafizur, I came up with a solution for my problem. I added the customToolbar property to my DrawerLayout (it has to be the id of the Toolbar).
       <DrawerLayout id="drawerLayout" toolbarEnabled="false" customToolbar="actionBar">
    And I also did this on my controller:
       $.window.activity.supportToolbar = $.actionBar;
       function open() {
           $.window.activity.actionBar.displayHomeAsUp = true;
           $.window.activity.actionBar.onHomeIconItemSelected = function() {
    The ticket can be closed.
  3. Hans Knöchel 2018-01-15

    Thanks [~gfigueras], I've resolved the ticket. But it would still make sense to improve the documentation regarding this point I think. If you feel you can describe this in a few sentences, feel free to submit a PR by simply editing [this file](https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/edit/master/apidoc/Titanium/UI/Android/DrawerLayout.yml). Thanks for your time!
  4. Eric Merriman 2018-08-06

    Closing as "not our bug". If you disagree, please reopen.
  5. Michael Gangolf 2019-01-16

    It would be nice to be able to use the onHomeIconItemSelected with a DrawerLayout. In the following XML the onClickHome is triggered in the controller:
       	<Window backgroundColor="#fff" theme="Theme.AppCompat.NoTitleBar" customToolbar="toolbar" onOpen="onOpen">
       		<Toolbar homeButtonEnabled="true" displayHomeAsUp="true" id="toolbar" title="win" top="0" titleTextColor="white" backgroundColor="#333" onHomeIconItemSelected="onClickHome"/>
    But when you add a DrawerLayout:
       	<Window backgroundColor="#fff" theme="Theme.AppCompat.NoTitleBar" customToolbar="toolbar" onOpen="onOpen">
       		<Toolbar homeButtonEnabled="true" displayHomeAsUp="true" id="toolbar" title="win" top="0" titleTextColor="white" backgroundColor="#333" onHomeIconItemSelected="onClickHome"/>
       		<DrawerLayout id="drawer">
       				<View backgroundColor="#fff"/>
       				<View id="main">
       					<Label text="Main view"/>
    it won't trigger the onHomeIconItemSelected function. Both cases create the following classic code
       $.__views.index.activity.actionBar.displayHomeAsUp = !0, 
       $.__views.index.activity.actionBar.homeButtonEnabled = !0, 
       $.__views.index.activity.actionBar.onHomeIconItemSelected = onClickHome)
    Tested with Ti SDK 7.5.0.GA, Android 7 (HTC A9). Assigning the JS in the controller by hand is working as mentioned in the comment above, so you can create a workaround. Still not sure why it is not working with the Alloy-only way
  6. Ahmed Mohamed 2019-01-16

    The toolbar must be child of window. and you can't put it inside any view to support toolbar by customToolbar
       <Window backgroundColor="#fff" theme="Theme.AppCompat.NoTitleBar" customToolbar="toolbar">
           	<View height="Titanium.UI.SIZE" top="0">
           		<Toolbar onHomeIconItemSelected="onClickHome" homeButtonEnabled="true" displayHomeAsUp="true" id="toolbar" title="win" top="0" titleTextColor="white" backgroundColor="#333"/>
       function onClickHome(){

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