Titanium JIRA Archive
Titanium SDK/CLI (TIMOB)

[TIMOB-8629] iOS: Playing sound while the camera is open (or opening the camera after the sound has played) causes media errors

GitHub Issuen/a
ResolutionWon't Fix
Resolution Date2017-07-27T17:53:32.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/sn/a
ReporterRichard Vallee
AssigneeEric Merriman


Playing a sound (Ti.Media.createSound) while the camera is open causes the shutter overlay to close, often not re-opening and causing the camera to be useless. Playing a sound, then opening the camera fires camera error (i.e. the camera error function is called), then the camera cannot save the clip (i.e. clicking "Use"). The application then hangs, since the camera will not close and the "Cancel" button is disabled. [DEBUG] Orphaned [object TiMediaSound] is trying to forget [object TiMediaSound]. This is the error object passed to the camera error function: : [DEBUG] [Thu Mar 08 2012 12:41:27 GMT-0500 (EST)] type = error : code = 1 : source = [object MediaModule] : success = false


  1. Richard Vallee 2012-03-09

    My bad, correlation, not causation :) Unrelated issue was happening at the same time.
  2. Eduardo Gomez 2012-04-07


    AudioServicesPlaySystemSound nonfunctional with AVCaptureSession audio device

    Community bug report - iOS 5

  3. Junaid Younus 2012-04-09

    Hey Richard, Eduardo posted a link to a community bug that has been submitted to Apple. This is a bug inside iOS, not Titanium, therefore we have no control over this. Once Apple fixes this issue, it should work again. Junaid
  4. Junaid Younus 2012-04-09

    Moved to Titanium Mobile section, this bug exists but needs to be followed up with Apple regarding this issue.
  5. Lee Morris 2017-07-27

    Closing due to inactivity. If this issue still exists, please raise a new ticket.

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