{ "id": "137707", "key": "TIMOB-17823", "fields": { "issuetype": { "id": "1", "description": "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.", "name": "Bug", "subtask": false }, "project": { "id": "10153", "key": "TIMOB", "name": "Titanium SDK/CLI", "projectCategory": { "id": "10100", "description": "Titanium and related SDKs used in application development", "name": "Client" } }, "fixVersions": [], "resolution": { "id": "2", "description": "The problem described is an issue which will never be fixed.", "name": "Won't Fix" }, "resolutiondate": "2015-03-23T15:36:54.000+0000", "created": "2014-10-07T00:00:16.000+0000", "priority": { "name": "Medium", "id": "3" }, "labels": [ "qe-3.5.0" ], "versions": [ { "id": "16593", "description": "Release 4.0.0", "name": "Release 4.0.0", "archived": false, "released": true, "releaseDate": "2015-05-21" } ], "issuelinks": [], "assignee": { "name": "ingo", "key": "ingo", "displayName": "Ingo Muschenetz", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "updated": "2017-03-21T18:54:29.000+0000", "status": { "description": "The issue is considered finished, the resolution is correct. Issues which are closed can be reopened.", "name": "Closed", "id": "6", "statusCategory": { "id": 3, "key": "done", "colorName": "green", "name": "Done" } }, "components": [ { "id": "10202", "name": "Android", "description": "Android Platform" } ], "description": "h5.Description:\r\n1. Replace the app.js with the following code:\r\n{code}\r\nvar win = Ti.UI.createWindow({\r\n title: \"SplitBar\",\r\n navBarHidden: false,\r\n splitActionBar: true\r\n \r\n});\r\n\r\nwin.activity.onCreateOptionsMenu = function(e){\r\n var menu = e.menu;\r\n var menuItem = menu.add({ \r\n title: \"Item1\", \r\n showAsAction: Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM\r\n });\r\n menu.add({ \r\n title: \"Item2\", \r\n showAsAction: Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM\r\n });\r\n menu.add({ \r\n title: \"Item3\", \r\n showAsAction: Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM\r\n });\r\n menu.add({ \r\n title: \"Item4\", \r\n showAsAction: Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM\r\n });\r\n menu.add({ \r\n title: \"Item5\", \r\n showAsAction: Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM\r\n });\r\n};\r\n\r\nwin.open();\r\n{code}\r\n2. Build for android 2.3.X device/emulator.\r\n\r\nh5.Actual Result:\r\n1. The app crashes with following errors:\r\n{code}\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: (main) [305,305] Sending event: exception on thread: main msg:java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: android.view.Window.setUiOptions; Titanium 3.5.0,2014/10/06 03:32,bee9e05\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: android.view.Window.setUiOptions\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat org.appcelerator.titanium.TiBaseActivity.onCreate(TiBaseActivity.java:520)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat org.appcelerator.titanium.TiActivity.onCreate(TiActivity.java:18)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1047)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1615)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:1667)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat android.app.ActivityThread.access$1500(ActivityThread.java:117)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:935)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:130)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3691)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:907)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:665)\r\n[ERROR] : TiApplication: \tat dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)\r\n{code}\r\n2. If the application is built with \"splitActionBar: false\" the app builds & runs fine.\r\n3. My targetSdkVersion in tiapp.xml is set to 19 and for actionbar the min targetSdkVersion should be 14 or higher\r\n\r\nh5. Expected Result:\r\n1. The app should not crash & we should be able to see the splitActionBar.", "attachment": [], "flagged": false, "summary": "Android : App crashes on android 2.3.X with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when splitActionBar is true", "creator": { "name": "lchoudhary", "key": "lchoudhary", "displayName": "Lokesh Choudhary", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "subtasks": [], "reporter": { "name": "lchoudhary", "key": "lchoudhary", "displayName": "Lokesh Choudhary", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "environment": "Environment:\r\nAppc Studio :\r\nTi SDK : 3.5.0.v20141006033218\r\nMac OSX : 10.9.4\r\nAlloy : 1.5.1\r\nCLI - 3.4.0\r\nCode Processor: 1.1.1\r\nSamsung Galaxy S2 - Android 2.3.6", "comment": { "comments": [ { "id": "327128", "author": { "name": "ingo", "key": "ingo", "displayName": "Ingo Muschenetz", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "body": "A comment was made by a Titan asking if we were placing in our manifest.", "updateAuthor": { "name": "ingo", "key": "ingo", "displayName": "Ingo Muschenetz", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "created": "2014-10-07T15:16:04.000+0000", "updated": "2014-10-07T15:16:04.000+0000" }, { "id": "346990", "author": { "name": "ingo", "key": "ingo", "displayName": "Ingo Muschenetz", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "body": "We are not addressing any further Android 2.3 issues in version 4.0, so marking this as \"Won't fix\"", "updateAuthor": { "name": "ingo", "key": "ingo", "displayName": "Ingo Muschenetz", "active": true, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "created": "2015-03-23T15:36:54.000+0000", "updated": "2015-03-23T15:36:54.000+0000" }, { "id": "414324", "author": { "name": "lmorris", "key": "lmorris", "displayName": "Lee Morris", "active": false, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "body": "Closing ticket as the issue will not fix.", "updateAuthor": { "name": "lmorris", "key": "lmorris", "displayName": "Lee Morris", "active": false, "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "created": "2017-03-21T18:54:29.000+0000", "updated": "2017-03-21T18:54:29.000+0000" } ], "maxResults": 3, "total": 3, "startAt": 0 } } }