Titanium JIRA Archive
Appcelerator Community (AC)

[AC-2028] [iOS7] Images on iOS 7 aren't displayed correctly

GitHub Issuen/a
Resolution Date2013-12-15T19:49:32.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/sn/a
ComponentsTitanium SDK & CLI
AssigneeRitu Agrawal


The problem is very simple On iOS 7 the images aren't display correctly On iOS 6.1 there aren't problems


Schermata 2013-12-14 alle 19.24.39.png2013-12-14T19:00:15.000+000045553
Schermata 2013-12-14 alle 19.25.39.png2013-12-14T19:00:15.000+000043503
Screen Shot 2013-12-15 at 11.22.51 AM.png2013-12-15T19:24:51.000+000056923


  1. Malcolm Hollingsworth 2013-12-14

    @Nicolo; whilst you have said there is a problem and provide two images, you fail to mention what you believe is the problem is specifically. I will guess the left position of the leftnavbutton image - but this is a guess unless you confirm it here or if not state exactly what people should be looking for.
  2. nicolomonili 2013-12-14

    @Malcolm Hollingsworth No, you misunderstood me the problem is this: : on the iOS 7 the image is distorted, as you can see by the black arrow on the image
  3. Ritu Agrawal 2013-12-15

    I have not been able to reproduce the issue with Titanium 3.1.3 SDK, KitchenSink sample and iPhone 7.0.3 simulator. Please see the attached screenshot that the image is not distorted. Can you please provide a simple project along with images that can be used to reproduce the problem you are running into?
  4. nicolomonili 2013-12-15

    sorry, it was my mistake I used a test image of this size 37*37px and the image 2x was 75x75px(instead of 74*74px), so the image was distorted iOS 6 and iOS 7 clearly manage images in a different way, but it is not a problem
  5. Ritu Agrawal 2013-12-15

    Marking this ticket invalid based on reporter's latest comment.

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