Titanium JIRA Archive
Appcelerator Community (AC)

[AC-3746] Font size not compatible with windows phone font size

GitHub Issuen/a
ResolutionNeeds more info
Resolution Date2016-06-14T05:05:16.000+0000
Affected Version/sAppcelerator Studio 4.5.0
Fix Version/sn/a
Labels8.1, AES, alloy, font
ReporterParmeet Singh
AssigneeShak Hossain


The font size of appcelerator app is not compatible with windows phone font size, as for the normal font size the app works fine but once I change the text size of font through settings, the app screens gets scrumbled up terribly. I am attaching the app screens before and after changing the font size. Please help.




  1. Nazmus Salahin 2016-06-09

    Hello [~paramsb], Thanks for reaching out. The issue you have mentioned need to be reproduced in our environment so that we are able to give you workaround. So, please share with us your test code and mention step to reproduce the issue. Thanks in advance for your effort
  2. Parmeet Singh 2016-06-14

    Hi Nazmus, I am adding a sample code please check. Steps to reproduce : 1 : Create new project in Appcelerator Studio. 2 : Copy below files to index.js, index.tss, index.xml 3 : run. 4 : Go to emulators (device) settings -> Ease of access -> Increase text size. 5 : Navigate to app again. ************************************* index.js ********************************************** var data = []; var tableData = []; var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({ height : '120dp' //height : '155dp' }); var container = Ti.UI.createView({ left : "20%", layout : "vertical" }); var title = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.", font : { fontFamily : "Century Gothic", fontWeight : "Bold", fontSize : "18dp" }, color : "#d01227", left : '0%', width : '90%', //height : Ti.UI.SIZE, height : '36dp', //height : '50dp', top : "10dp" }); var sentTo = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text : "Sent to: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. " , wordWrap : true, font : { fontFamily : "Century Gothic", fontWeight : "Normal", fontSize : "14dp" }, color : "#999999", top : '5dp', left : '0dp', width : '90%', //height : '17dp', height : '16dp', }); var date = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text : "10/11/12", wordWrap : true, font : { fontFamily : "Century Gothic", fontWeight : "Normal", fontSize : "14dp" }, color : "#999999", top : '6dp', left : '0dp' }); var border = Ti.UI.createView({ height : "2dp", top : "115dp", //top : "150dp", backgroundColor : "red", width : "80%" }); var commentCount = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text : "10 comments", wordWrap : true, color : "#999999", //backgroundColor:"cyan", bottom : '10%', right : '10%', //top : '6dp', font : { fontFamily : "Century Gothic", fontWeight : "Normal", fontSize : "14dp" } }); //Ti.API.info("listtimeline2"); container.add(title); container.add(sentTo); container.add(date); row.add(container); row.add(border); row.add(commentCount); tableData.push(row); $.table.data = tableData; $.timelineWindow.open(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ********************************************** index.xml *********************************************************** //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ******************************************************** index.tss ********************************************************************* 'ListView':{ separatorColor: "transparent", backgroundColor: "#fdf7ed" }, ".border":{ height: '2dp', width: '90%', backgroundColor: '#d01227 ', top: '5dp' }, ".groupView":{ //height: '20%', height: Ti.UI.SIZE, //width: "100%", width: "95%", //top: "10%" }, ".countBar": { height: '50%', top: '2dp', //new width: "95%", }, /* ".name":{ font: { fontFamily: "Century Gothic", fontWeight: "Bold", fontSize: "27sp" }, color: "red", left: '0dp', //width: '90%', width: Titanium.UI.SIZE, top: "0dp", backgroundColor:"pink" },*/ ".name":{ font: { fontFamily: "Century Gothic", fontWeight: "Bold", fontSize: "18dp" }, color: "#d01227", left: '0%', width: '70%', height: Titanium.UI.SIZE, top: "0dp" }, ".info":{ font: { fontFamily: "Century Gothic", fontWeight: "Normal", fontSize: "14sp" }, color: "#999999", top: '3dp', left: '0dp', width: '70%' }, ".comments": { font: { fontFamily: "Century Gothic", fontWeight: "Bold", fontSize: "16sp" }, color: "#3b3b3b", top: "0dp", width: '90%' }, ".date": { font: { fontFamily: "Century Gothic", fontWeight: "Normal", fontSize: "14sp" }, color: "#999999" }, ".parentView": { left: '0%', top: "10%", height: "95%", width: '100%' } ".parentView2": { left: '20%', top: '20dp', height: Ti.UI.SIZE, width: Ti.UI.SIZE } ".commentView": { right: '5%', top: '35%', width: Ti.UI.SIZE, height: Ti.UI.SIZE, borderWidth: "1dp" }, ".messagePic":{ width: "45dp", height: "45dp", image: "images/icons/homeScreenIcons/ViewResponses.png", left: "5%", top: "10dp" } ".innerView": { left: '15dp', top: '20dp', height: "20%" }, "#commentArea": { width: "70%", top: "0dp", //height: "60%", backgroundColor: "white", hintText: "Write a Comment...", left: "17%", borderColor: "#808080", borderWidth: "3dp", color: "#000000", font: { fontFamily: "Century Gothic", fontWeight: "Normal", fontSize: "16sp" } }, ".profileIcon": { image: "images/icons/profileGrey.png", width: "35dp", height: "35dp", left: "5%", top: "0dp" }, 'ItemTemplate': { backgroundColor: "#fdf7ed" }, ".greyProfileIcon": { image: "images/icons/profileGrey.png", width: "35dp", height: "35dp", left: "5%", top: "2%" } ".commentName":{ font: { fontFamily: "Century Gothic", fontWeight: "Bold", fontSize: "16sp" }, //color: "#2c3439", color: "black", top: '0%', left: '5dp' }, ".actualComment":{ font: { fontFamily: "Century Gothic", fontWeight: "Normal", fontSize: "14sp" }, color: "#2c3439", //color : "red", left: '5dp', top: "0%", width: "90%" }, ".cDate": { font: { fontFamily: "Century Gothic", fontWeight: "Normal", fontSize: "13sp" }, color: "#3b3b3b" }, ".cTime":{ font: { fontFamily: "Century Gothic", fontWeight: "Normal", fontSize: "13sp" }, color: "#3b3b3b", left: "5%" }, ".dateView": { height: Ti.UI.SIZE, layout: "horizontal", top: "5dp", left: "5dp", bottom: "5dp" } ".innerView": { height: Ti.UI.SIZE } ".commentBlock":{ layout: "vertical", height: Ti.UI.SIZE, width: "75%", left: "17%", top: "5dp" } ".countBar": { height: Ti.UI.SIZE, top: '2dp' },

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