Titanium JIRA Archive
Appcelerator Community (AC)

[AC-5794] In appcelerator studio "Android Executable : not found"

GitHub Issuen/a
Resolution Date2018-07-12T10:06:22.000+0000
Affected Version/sAppcelerator Studio 4.3.0
Fix Version/sn/a
ComponentsStudio, Titanium SDK & CLI
AssigneeShak Hossain


*Android SDK* Android Executable : not found ABD Executable : C:\android-sdk-win\platform-tools\adb.exe SDK Path : C:\android-sdk-win Android path set into Environment Variables


  1. Sharif AbuDarda 2018-07-07

    Hello, Can you please share the "appc ti setup check" log in here? Thanks.
  2. rohit@ccomsys.net 2018-07-11

    Welcome to Git (version 1.8.4-preview20130916) Run 'git help git' to display the help index. Run 'git help ' to display help for specific commands. r@ROHIT ~ $ appc ti setup check Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 7.0.4 Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enter ctrl-c at any time to quit. ------------------¦ Check Environment +------------------- Node.js v node installed (v8.9.1) v npm installed (v5.5.1) Titanium CLI v cli up-to-date (v5.1.1) Titanium CLI Dependencies v acs up-to-date (v2.0.8) v alloy up-to-date (v1.12.0) v appc-cli-titanium up-to-date (v4.4.17) v appc-inquirer up-to-date (v0.1.10) v appc-logger up-to-date (v1.1.27) v appc-platform-sdk up-to-date (v3.0.2) v appcd up-to-date (v1.1.3) v arrow up-to-date (v3.0.0) v async up-to-date (v1.5.2) v chalk up-to-date (v1.1.3) v char-spinner up-to-date (v1.0.1) v columnify up-to-date (v1.5.4) v commander up-to-date (v2.9.0) v debug up-to-date (v2.6.9) v ejs up-to-date (v2.6.1) v fields up-to-date (v0.1.24) v fs-extra up-to-date (v0.26.7) v inquirer up-to-date (v0.11.4) v ip up-to-date (v1.1.5) v jwt-simple up-to-date (v0.3.1) v lodash up-to-date (v3.10.1) v mkdirp up-to-date (v0.5.1) v node-appc up-to-date (v0.2.45) v node-forge up-to-date (v0.6.49) v node-ios-device up-to-date (v1.6.1) v npm-conf up-to-date (v1.1.3) v pac-proxy-agent up-to-date (v2.0.2) v plural up-to-date (v0.2.1) v progress up-to-date (v1.1.8) v recursive-readdir up-to-date (v2.2.2) v request up-to-date (v2.87.0) v retire up-to-date (v1.6.1) v semver up-to-date (v5.5.0) v tar up-to-date (v4.0.2) v tiapp.xml up-to-date (v0.2.2) v titanium up-to-date (v5.1.1) v version-bump-prompt up-to-date (v3.1.2) v which up-to-date (v1.3.1) v wrench up-to-date (v1.5.9) Titanium SDK v latest sdk installed (v7.2.0.GA) v selected sdk up-to-date (v7.2.0.GA) Android Environment v sdk installed (C:\android-sdk-win) v tools installed (v26.0.2) v platform tools installed (v26.0.0) v build tools installed (v26.0.0) v adb installed C:\android-sdk-win\platform-tools\adb.exe {color:red} × android "android" executable not found; please reinstall Android SDK{color} v emulator installed C:\android-sdk-win\tools\emulator.exe v mksdcard installed C:\android-sdk-win\tools\mksdcard.exe v zipalign installed C:\android-sdk-win\build-tools\26.0.0\zipalign.exe v aapt installed C:\android-sdk-win\build-tools\26.0.0\aapt.exe v aidl installed C:\android-sdk-win\build-tools\26.0.0\aidl.exe v targets installed (4 found) v avds installed (2 found) ! ndk Android NDK not found Java Development Kit v jdk installed (v1.8.0) v java installed C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\java.exe v javac installed C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\javac.exe v keytool installed C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\keytool.exe v jarsigner installed C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin\jarsigner.exe Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (HAXM) v compatible ! installed not found; install HAXM to use Android x86 emulator Network v online - no proxy server configured × http://preview.appcelerator.com (HTTP status: 502) is unreachable × https://preview.appcelerator.com (HTTP status: 502) is unreachable v Java-based connection test Directory Permissions v home directory v titanium config directory v titanium sdk install directory v temp directory ----------------------¦ Main Menu +----------------------- 1) quick Quick Setup 2) check Check Environment 3) user User Information 4) app New App Defaults 5) network Network Settings 6) cli Titanium CLI Settings 7) sdk Titanium SDK Settings 8) android Android Settings 9) windows Windows Settings 10) exit Exit
  3. Ewan Harris 2018-07-12

    [~rohit] You can ignore that error, the android executable was deprecated and removed from the Android SDK. We will remove that error once versions with that executable drop off our supported versions list TIMOB-24891
  4. Ewan Harris 2018-07-12

    Closing as dupe of TIMOB-24891
  5. Sharif AbuDarda 2018-07-12

    Based on the log, this should not prevent you from developing app with the studio. Your environment is fully setup. Are you having issue with developing? Thanks.

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