<View id="mapView" module="ti.map" platform="ios,android" dataCollection="stores">
<Annotation latitude="{latitude}" longitude="{longitude}" title="{title}" />
title : "Sample Title.",
subtitle : "Subtitle",
latitude : 37.7728543,
longitude : -122.4131509
if (e && e.fromAdapter) return;
__alloyId26.opts || {};
var models = __alloyId25.models;
var len = models.length;
var children = $.__views.mapView.children;
for (var d = children.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) $.__views.mapView.remove(children[d]);
for (var i = 0; len > i; i++) {
var __alloyId23 = models[i];
__alloyId23.__transform = {};
$.__views.__alloyId24 = require("ti.map").createAnnotation({
latitude: 0/0,
longitude: 0/0,
title: "undefined" != typeof $model.__transform["title"] ? $model.__transform["title"] : $model.get("title"),
id: "__alloyId24"
You could see that latitude and longitude is not binding properly. As well not added to map view.
Hello, We have tried to reproduce the issue according to specification, with the following process describe below. we were unable to reproduce the issue.
- Create a alloy project. - Enable ti.map module to the project. - Copy "index.xml" code segment to the project "index.xml" file. - Copy "index.js" code segment to the project "index.js" file. - Create a new file name "stores.js" in project "models" folder. - copy "stores.js" code segment to the project "stores.js" file. - run the project. Unable to generate the issue according to the process, Error showsPlease provide a Clean test case and proper steps to regenerate the issue. thanks.
I haven't used Alloy Models. I used a temporary backbone collection.
@Amimul Hossain - Were you able to reproduce this issue?
Will reopen if the reporter adds a full working testcase.