Titanium JIRA Archive
Appcelerator Community (AC)

[AC-3225] Proximity Events on iOS

GitHub Issuen/a
TypeNew Feature
ResolutionWon't Fix
Resolution Date2011-08-06T09:42:43.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/sn/a
ComponentsTitanium SDK & CLI
Labelsfeature, ios
ReporterRuben Fonseca
AssigneeTony Guntharp


Hi. I have no idea how's the path to submit a patch to Titanium. But some weeks ago I've added Proximity Events support to iOS. I've forked the repository on github, created a branch, added the code and submitted the pull request. The pull request URL is here: https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile/pull/175 I want you to please guide me completing the pull request, adding anything that's missing.


  1. Paul Dowsett 2011-08-05

    Hi Ruben Thanks for this ticket, and your offer to contribute some code. In order for us to accept any code, you must be familiar with the information in the [Contributing Code](http://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides/Contributing+to+Titanium#ContributingtoTitanium-ContributingCode) guide. That section describes the CLA and the process of submitting code via github. You will also need to supply a usecase that demonstrates your new functionality, so that it is obvious how it works. You can add this in a markup code block to the body of this ticket. Once this is done, I can move the ticket across so the core team can process the pull request. Thankfully, now that you know what is required, any future submissions are likely to be a lot easier. :) Thank you in advance
  2. Ruben Fonseca 2011-08-05

    Hi Paul! thank you for your reply! I eventually discovered that the functionality I submitted through github already existed on the titanium mobile codebase, so I closed my ticket, and I think you can close this ticket too. I will read the Contributing Code guide for future submissions :) Thank you very much!
  3. Paul Dowsett 2011-08-06

    Thanks for letting me know about this, Ruben. I will close the ticket.
  4. Paul Dowsett 2011-10-07

    Closing due to inactivity.

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