Titanium JIRA Archive
Appcelerator Community (AC)

[AC-5789] [Mac] Android: ERROR: Unknown option '--no-version-vectors'

GitHub Issuen/a
TypeNew Feature
Resolution Date2018-07-03T15:00:41.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/sn/a
AssigneeShak Hossain


I would like to try a very simple test app on an Android device, but after 3 hours i could not configure the development environment for Android correctly. - Actual error: !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 11.05.06.png|thumbnail! - *Android SDK* is located here: _/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk_ - Actual *Android* and *Android SDK Build Tools* versions !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 10.52.37.png|thumbnail! !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 10.52.42.png|thumbnail! - Appcelerator check for Android environment !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 10.53.55.png|thumbnail! - Docs that i have read: https://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Installing_the_Android_SDK - If i remove the* Android SDK build-tools version 22.0.1* the result is this. And the "Appcelerator check for Android environment", always shows "build tools unsupported version 22.0.1" !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 11.07.35.png|thumbnail! ------ Which versions of *Android* and *Android Build tools* need to be installed? (rev 23?) I tried to install several versions of *Android* and *Android Build tools* , with no results


Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 10.52.37.png2018-07-02T08:56:43.000+0000120957
Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 10.52.42.png2018-07-02T08:56:43.000+0000127409
Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 10.53.55.png2018-07-02T08:56:43.000+000072351
Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 11.05.06.png2018-07-02T09:05:38.000+0000139558
Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 11.07.35.png2018-07-02T09:07:55.000+000099576
Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 12.24.02.png2018-07-02T10:24:18.000+000077358
Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 12.24.30.png2018-07-02T10:25:00.000+000031765
Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 12.37.58.png2018-07-02T10:38:16.000+000098863
Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 12.39.53.png2018-07-02T10:40:11.000+000014385
Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 13.53.25.png2018-07-02T11:54:57.000+000022570
Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 13.54.32.png2018-07-02T11:55:03.000+000045391
Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 13.54.44.png2018-07-02T11:55:07.000+000034652
Schermata 2018-07-03 alle 14.47.35.png2018-07-03T12:47:57.000+00005954
Schermata 2018-07-03 alle 15.51.00.png2018-07-03T13:51:19.000+000041085


  1. Ewan Harris 2018-07-02

    [~nicolomonili], the minimum for 7.0.0 as stated on https://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Installing_the_Android_SDK-section-src-29004851_InstallingtheAndroidSDK-RequiredAndroidpackages. The errors you're seeing are because the tools versions are too low - Android SDK Platform-tools v23 - Android SDK Build-tools v23 - Android SDK Tools v23 - Android SDK API 23. Personally I've been using the below with no issues - Android SDK Platform-tools v27.0.1 - Android SDK Build-tools v27.0.3 - Android SDK Tools v26.1.1 - Android SDK APIs 25, 26, 27
  2. nicolomonili 2018-07-02

    Can i ask you what is your android sdk installation folder? /Users/-/Library/Android/sdk or /Users/-/Library/android-sdk/ Appcelerator seem to need the second option, it's possible?
  3. Ewan Harris 2018-07-02

    My sdk installation is /Users/eharris/Library/Android/sdk/, but Titanium finds it because I've set it in the config. If you wish to point Titanium to first one you can call ti config android.sdkPath /Users/-/Library/Android/sdk, to allow it to find it
  4. nicolomonili 2018-07-02

    My /Users/-/Library/Android/ folder does not have a folder sdk.. !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 12.24.02.png|thumbnail!
  5. nicolomonili 2018-07-02

    !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 12.24.30.png|thumbnail!
  6. Ewan Harris 2018-07-02

    In that case you should just be able to point it at the /Users/nicolo/Library/Android dir I believe. Did you install the SDK through Appcelerator Studio or Android Studio?
  7. nicolomonili 2018-07-02

    Now i added an SDK folder in the Android folder, and Appcelerator now detect the sdk folder correctly, showing me the emulators and the Android Device. Appcelerator Studio and Android Studio, now, link to the same sdk folders. I have install the Android SDK through Android Studio
  8. nicolomonili 2018-07-02

    The problem is always the same !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 12.37.58.png|thumbnail! --> Android SDK Build Tools: 22.0.1, how it's possible? This is my build-tools folder !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 12.39.53.png|thumbnail!
  9. Ewan Harris 2018-07-02

    Do you have 2 SDK installs on your machine? Or is it just that one at /Users/nicolo/Library/Android. If you have 2, maybe try deleting the one not at /Users/nicolo/Library/Android
  10. nicolomonili 2018-07-02

    I have only 1 SDK installation on my machine.... how can a non-existent version be recognized?
  11. Ewan Harris 2018-07-02

    What does appc ti setup check show now for the Android environment? As well as appc ti info -t android? I'm not sure how it's picking up the 22.0.1 version. Did you uninstall it via the Android Studio installer? Maybe try removing all packages in the Android Studio installer, and then readding them
  12. nicolomonili 2018-07-02

    appc ti setup check !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 13.53.25.png|thumbnail! appc ti info -t android !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 13.54.32.png|thumbnail! !Schermata 2018-07-02 alle 13.54.44.png|thumbnail! I have uninstall Android Studio following this : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17625622/how-to-completely-uninstall-android-studio
  13. nicolomonili 2018-07-02

    UPDATE (for info): I have tried to install a simple application, on my Android test device, using Android Studio, and all is working ok.
  14. nicolomonili 2018-07-03

    Then, it's a problem of Appcelerator Studio. Is there anything else i can try?
  15. Ewan Harris 2018-07-03

    Could you try running appc ti info -t android -o json, it might give better info about where it's picking that version up form
  16. nicolomonili 2018-07-03

        	"android": {
        		"linux64bit": null,
        		"ndk": null,
        		"sdk": {
        			"path": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk",
        			"executables": {
        				"adb": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb",
        				"android": null,
        				"emulator": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/tools/emulator",
        				"mksdcard": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/tools/mksdcard",
        				"zipalign": null,
        				"aapt": null,
        				"aidl": null,
        				"dx": null,
        				"apksigner": null
        			"dx": null,
        			"proguard": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/tools/proguard/lib/proguard.jar",
        			"tools": {
        				"path": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/tools",
        				"supported": true,
        				"version": "26.1.1"
        			"platformTools": {
        				"path": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools",
        				"supported": "maybe",
        				"version": "28.0.0"
        			"buildTools": {
        				"path": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/22.0.1",
        				"supported": false,
        				"version": "22.0.1"
        		"home": "/Users/nicolo/.android",
        		"detectVersion": "2.0",
        		"vendorDependencies": {
        			"android sdk": ">=23.x <=25.x",
        			"android build tools": "26.x",
        			"android platform tools": "26.x",
        			"android tools": "<=26.x",
        			"android ndk": ">=r11c <=r15c",
        			"node": ">=4.0 <=7.x",
        			"java": ">=1.8.x"
        		"targets": {
        			"1": {
        				"id": "android-23",
        				"abis": [],
        				"skins": [
        				"name": "Android 6.0",
        				"type": "platform",
        				"path": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-23",
        				"revision": 3,
        				"androidJar": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-23/android.jar",
        				"aidl": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-23/framework.aidl",
        				"api-level": 23,
        				"sdk": 23,
        				"version": "6.0",
        				"supported": true
        			"2": {
        				"id": "android-28",
        				"abis": [
        				"skins": [
        				"name": "Android 9",
        				"type": "platform",
        				"path": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-28",
        				"revision": 1,
        				"androidJar": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-28/android.jar",
        				"aidl": "/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-28/framework.aidl",
        				"api-level": 28,
        				"sdk": 28,
        				"version": "9",
        				"supported": "maybe"
        		"issues": [{
        				"id": "ANDROID_NDK_NOT_FOUND",
        				"type": "warning",
        				"message": "Unable to locate an Android NDK.\nWithout the NDK, you will not be able to build native Android Titanium modules.\nIf you have already downloaded and installed the Android NDK, you can tell Titanium where the Android NDK is located by running '__appc titanium config android.ndkPath /path/to/android-ndk__', otherwise you can install it by running '__appc titanium setup android__' or manually downloading from __http://appcelerator.com/android-ndk__."
        				"type": "error",
        				"message": "Missing required Android SDK tools: __zipalign, aapt, aidl, dx__\n\nThe Android SDK located at __/Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk__ has incomplete or out-of-date packages.\n\nCurrent installed Android SDK tools:\n  Android SDK Tools:          26.1.1\n  Android SDK Platform Tools: 28.0.0\n  Android SDK Build Tools:    22.0.1\n\nMake sure you have the latest Android SDK Tools, Platform Tools, and Build Tools installed.\n\nYou can also specify the exact location of these required tools by running:\n  appc ti config android.executables.zipalign \"/path/to/android-sdk/zipalign\"\n  appc ti config android.executables.aapt \"/path/to/android-sdk/aapt\"\n  appc ti config android.executables.aidl \"/path/to/android-sdk/aidl\"\n  appc ti config android.executables.dx \"/path/to/android-sdk/dx\"\n\nIf you need to, run \"appc titanium setup android\" to reconfigure the Titanium Android settings."
        				"id": "ANDROID_API_TOO_NEW",
        				"type": "warning",
        				"message": "Android API __Android 9 (android-28)__ is too new and may or may not work with Titanium SDK 7.2.0.\nThe maximum supported Android API level by Titanium SDK 7.2.0 is API level 25."
        		"tisdk": "7.2.0.GA",
        		"devices": [],
        		"emulators": [{
        				"type": "avd",
        				"id": "Nexus_5X_API_28_x86",
        				"name": "Nexus 5X API 28 x86",
        				"device": "Nexus 5X (Google)",
        				"path": "/Users/nicolo/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_28_x86.avd",
        				"target": "Android 9 (API level 28)",
        				"abi": "x86",
        				"skin": "nexus_5x",
        				"sdcard": "/Users/nicolo/.android/avd/Nexus_5X_API_28_x86.avd/sdcard.img",
        				"googleApis": true,
        				"sdk-version": "9",
        				"api-level": 28
        				"name": "Samsung Galaxy S5 - 4.4.4 - API 19 - 1080x1920",
        				"guid": "3ecfbb03-f7cb-41e9-ac8a-c3062eb336a5",
        				"type": "genymotion",
        				"abi": "x86",
        				"googleApis": null,
        				"sdk-version": "4.4.4",
        				"target": "4.4.4",
        				"ipaddress": "",
        				"genymotion": "2.8.0",
        				"hardwareOpenGL": true,
        				"dpi": 480,
        				"display": "1080x1920-16",
        				"api-level": null,
        				"id": "Samsung Galaxy S5 - 4.4.4 - API 19 - 1080x1920"
        				"name": "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1440x2560",
        				"guid": "f05b94d7-c1ab-4e16-b93e-94413441003e",
        				"type": "genymotion",
        				"abi": "x86",
        				"googleApis": null,
        				"sdk-version": "6.0.0",
        				"target": "6.0.0",
        				"ipaddress": "",
        				"genymotion": "2.8.0",
        				"hardwareOpenGL": true,
        				"dpi": 640,
        				"display": "1440x2560-16",
        				"api-level": null,
        				"id": "Samsung Galaxy S6 - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1440x2560"
        				"name": "Google Nexus 5 - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920",
        				"guid": "83306cd9-992e-4af4-852b-eb8b64282a22",
        				"type": "genymotion",
        				"abi": "x86",
        				"googleApis": null,
        				"sdk-version": "6.0.0",
        				"target": "6.0.0",
        				"ipaddress": "",
        				"genymotion": "2.8.0",
        				"hardwareOpenGL": true,
        				"dpi": 480,
        				"display": "1080x1920-16",
        				"api-level": null,
        				"id": "Google Nexus 5 - 6.0.0 - API 23 - 1080x1920"
        				"name": "Samsung Galaxy S2 - 4.1.1 - API 16 - 480x800",
        				"guid": "310da34e-62b0-4b08-82d5-8f16075a3fa9",
        				"type": "genymotion",
        				"abi": "x86",
        				"googleApis": null,
        				"sdk-version": "4.1.1",
        				"target": "4.1.1",
        				"ipaddress": "",
        				"genymotion": "2.8.0",
        				"hardwareOpenGL": true,
        				"dpi": 240,
        				"display": "480x800-16",
        				"api-level": null,
        				"id": "Samsung Galaxy S2 - 4.1.1 - API 16 - 480x800"
        				"name": "Samsung Galaxy S3 - 4.1.1 - API 16 - 720x1280",
        				"guid": "35de0a99-7836-4727-a641-23c199878ba3",
        				"type": "genymotion",
        				"abi": "x86",
        				"googleApis": null,
        				"sdk-version": "4.1.1",
        				"target": "4.1.1",
        				"ipaddress": "",
        				"genymotion": "2.8.0",
        				"hardwareOpenGL": true,
        				"dpi": 320,
        				"display": "720x1280-16",
        				"api-level": null,
        				"id": "Samsung Galaxy S3 - 4.1.1 - API 16 - 720x1280"
        				"name": "Samsung Galaxy S4 - 4.2.2 - API 17 - 1080x1920",
        				"guid": "f358558f-058c-4f2e-9a7b-6769c65727ec",
        				"type": "genymotion",
        				"abi": "x86",
        				"googleApis": null,
        				"sdk-version": "4.2.2",
        				"target": "4.2.2",
        				"ipaddress": "",
        				"genymotion": "2.8.0",
        				"hardwareOpenGL": true,
        				"dpi": 480,
        				"display": "1080x1920-16",
        				"api-level": null,
        				"id": "Samsung Galaxy S4 - 4.2.2 - API 17 - 1080x1920"
  17. Ewan Harris 2018-07-03

    Is there definitely nothing located at Users/nicolo/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/22.0.1, the detection has no caching so for it to pick something up there must be something in that location
  18. nicolomonili 2018-07-03

    .... !Schermata 2018-07-03 alle 14.47.35.png|thumbnail!
  19. Ewan Harris 2018-07-03

    Ah, I did a little research and I think I might have an idea (at least this makes me break the same way as you on my machine), do you have a config setting for android.buildTools.selectedVersion check using appc ti config, if so remove it using appc ti config --remove android.buildTools.selectedVersion. If not I'll go back to researching..
  20. nicolomonili 2018-07-03

    Yes, now something is changed... !Schermata 2018-07-03 alle 15.51.00.png|thumbnail!
  21. nicolomonili 2018-07-03

    I installed the versions you suggested, and now everything works correctly. Thank you so much.
  22. Ewan Harris 2018-07-03

    That warning is expected as the latest hasn't been fully tested yet so we cant be certain everything works for certain. I've filed TIMOB-26180 to improve upon the reporting here so that an error like this will be more obvious in future, apologies for your time lost here! I'm going to close this ticket out as done

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