Titanium JIRA Archive
Appcelerator Community (AC)

[AC-6206] iOS Unable to use the third party pod in Appcelerator project

GitHub Issuen/a
ResolutionNeeds more info
Resolution Date2019-07-11T21:32:08.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/sn/a
AssigneeShak Hossain


Hi There, I am working on the integration of the iOS pods in Appcelerator using the Hyperloop. The first issue here is Pod integration is not easy, 1. I created the Podfile and kept in the apps root directory and run the command 'pod install'. 2. The pod is getting installed but while running the application getting following error, PhaseScriptExecution [CP]\ Embed\ Pods\ Frameworks /Users/XX/XX/XX/xx/build/iphone/build/Intermediates/SampleIosPodDeployment.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/SampleIosPodDeployment.build/Script-000000000000000000000017.sh Somehow I made the application running and tried to access the function inside pod class, I got following error. Couldn't find module: AUSampleLib for architecture: x86_64 4 Speech0x000000010361ea22 -[KrollBridge loadJavascriptText:fromFile:withContext:] + 98 5 Speech0x000000010361ecac -[KrollBridge cachedLoadAsFile:asJSON:withContext:] + 268 6 Speech0x000000010361eddc -[KrollBridge loadAsFile:withContext:] + 268 7 Speech0x000000010361f122 -[KrollBridge loadAsFileOrDirectory:withContext:] + 82 8 Speech0x000000010361fdfa -[KrollBridge require:path:] + 1834 9 Speech0x0000000103623b4b CommonJSRequireCallback + 187 10 JavaScriptCore 0x0000000103d4e86f _ZN3JSC19APICallbackFunction4callINS_18JSCallbackFunctionEEExPNS_9ExecStateE + 495 11 ??? 0x000000805d11102d 0x0 + 551317213229 12 JavaScriptCore 0x0000000103d23033 llint_entry + 26713 13 JavaScriptCore 0x0000000103d23329 llint_entry + 27471 14 JavaScriptCore 0x0000000103d23033 llint_entry + 26713 15 JavaScriptCore 0x0000000103d23033 llint_entry + 26713 16 JavaScriptCore 0x0000000103d1c665 vmEntryToJavaScript + 235 17 JavaScriptCore 0x0000000104216c2a _ZN3JSC11Interpreter14executeProgramERKNS_10SourceCodeEPNS_9ExecStateEPNS_8JSObjectE + 11178 18 JavaScriptCore 0x000000010444262d _ZN3JSC8evaluateEPNS_9ExecStateERKNS_10SourceCodeENS_7JSValueERN3WTF8NakedPtrINS_9ExceptionEEE + 285 19 JavaScriptCore 0x0000000103d4dcd3 JSEvaluateScript + 467 when you are running the app on iOS after installing the pod. I have created this pod my own and its working on other iOS native project.




  1. Prashant 2019-04-17

    Any updates on this issue.
  2. Prashant 2019-04-19

    I have created one project in which I am trying to access the pod which is created by me. The same Pod I am able to integrate into the iOS project but not in the Appcelerator app. [^Podfile] Can you please check and revert to us.
  3. Rakhi Mitro 2019-05-02

    Hello, Thanks for reporting this issue. Are you able to run the pod file with native? Which modules are you using on your project?
       Couldn't find module: AUSampleLib <Class name> for architecture: x86_64
    Can you please create a new Appcelerator application, try to integrate the pod file and let us know if you experience the same issue. Thanks
  4. Prashant 2019-05-03

    I have used the AUSampleLib.m file within the pod and trying to access it. I am able to install the pod in the native project and successfully able to utilize it.
  5. Sharif AbuDarda 2019-06-10

    Hello [~prashantj], Did you tried the module process for the pod and add it as a framework for the iOS module and then using the module in the app? Please look into the iOS module guide https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides2/iOS+Module+Project#iOSModuleProject-Addathird-partyframework for Add a third-party framework. Let us know the update of your issue. Thanks.
  6. Rakhi Mitro 2019-07-11

    Hello! Hope you are doing fine today. Would you please reply us regarding previous reviews? We are looking forward to your response.

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