Titanium JIRA Archive
Appcelerator Community (AC)

[AC-6257] com.appcelerator.aca module module not loading

GitHub Issuen/a
Resolution Date2019-05-29T22:30:36.000+0000
Affected Version/sn/a
Fix Version/sn/a
Reportereric harms
AssigneeShak Hossain


Hi, I am trying to get crash reporting working, and I was told that the com.appcelerator.aca module should load when using appc new, or the appc cli will check once per day. I've enabled services on a new and current project as instructed in the docs, im using the cli all day, and have tried appc new, but nothing seems to be pulling the module down. Is the module available for download via github somewhere? Thanks!


Screen Shot 2019-05-22 at 4.53.29 PM.png2019-05-22T23:53:38.000+000039035


  1. Sharif AbuDarda 2019-05-14

    Hello, DId you follow the guide in here https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides2/AMPLIFY+Crash+Analytics ? Make sure you have the SDK 8.0.0.GA and selected when you create the new project. Thanks.
  2. eric harms 2019-05-14

    Hi Sharif, As far as I can see I do have 8.0.0.GA selected. However I did have to reinstall titanium and studio recently, so my ti.config might not be correct. Maybe I dont have something set here?
       android.sdkPath        =  "/Users/eharms/Library/Android/sdk"
       app.workspace          =  ""
       cli.colors             =  true
       cli.completion         =  false
       cli.failOnWrongSDK     =  false
       cli.httpProxyServer    =  ""
       cli.ignoreDirs         =  "^(\\.svn|_svn|\\.git|\\.hg|\\.?[Cc][Vv][Ss]|\\.bzr|\\$RECYCLE\\.BIN)$"
       cli.ignoreFiles        =  "^(\\.gitignore|\\.npmignore|\\.cvsignore|\\.DS_Store|\\._.*|[Tt]humbs.db|\\.vspscc|\\.vssscc|\\.sublime-project|\\.sublime-workspace|\\.project|\\.tmproj)$"
       cli.logLevel           =  "trace"
       cli.progressBars       =  true
       cli.prompt             =  true
       cli.rejectUnauthorized =  true
       cli.width              =  100
       paths.commands         =  []
       paths.hooks            =  []
       paths.modules          =  []
       paths.plugins          =  []
       paths.sdks             =  []
       paths.templates        =  []
       sdk.selected           =  "8.0.0.GA"
       user.locale            =  "en_US"
  3. eric harms 2019-05-14

    Sharif, So Im not 100% sure this was happening when I opened the ticket, but I went to try again with the intent to send you any logs. would not being able to register the app with aapc platform cause any issues with downloading the module?
       ➜ ~/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace appc new
       Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 7.0.10
       Copyright (c) 2014-2019, Appcelerator, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
       ? What type of project are you creating? Titanium App
       ? Which SDK would you like to use? Titanium SDK (JavaScript)
       ? What's the project name? test
       ? What's your application id (example: com.myapp)? com.test
       [INFO]  Creating app project
       [INFO]  Template directory: /Users/eharms/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/8.0.0.GA/templates/app/default
       [INFO]  Writing tiapp.xml
       [INFO]  Project created successfully in 325ms
       Unable to register the new app with Appcelerator Platform either due to limited connectivity or other unexpected problem. Please retry later using the command 'appc new --import --project-dir /path/to/project' { Error: ETIMEDOUT
           at Timeout._onTimeout (/Users/eharms/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10/package/node_modules/request/request.js:849:19)
           at ontimeout (timers.js:475:11)
           at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:310:5)
           at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:270:5) code: 'ETIMEDOUT', connect: true }
       *** new completed. ***
  4. Rakhi Mitro 2019-05-16

    [~capsizeno4], Can you please open terminal and, type DEBUG=* appc new -l trace and share us the logs.
  5. eric harms 2019-05-16

    sure -- can I email you the log? if so, please provide an email. thanks!
  6. eric harms 2019-05-16

    Rakhi, Please see the attached .txt log. Thanks
  7. eric harms 2019-05-16

    Also, I've updated to 8.0.1.GA and 7.0.10 today, I still dont see the module in ~/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules Thanks
  8. eric harms 2019-05-20

    Hi Rakhi -- Ive uploaded my logs as requested, but haven't heard back from you. Can we please take another look at this? Thanks!
  9. Srinivasan Pulipakkam 2019-05-20

    [~capsizeno4] Crash Analytics was included in Pro plans for purchases (renewals or new) made on or after May 15. Since you purchased the Pro plan on May 9 , crash analytics is not included (with the old pro plan price). You can add crash analytics to your plan by adjusting the plan by logging into https://billing.axway.com/billing For billing related issues please reach out through Chat support available in platform.axway.com
  10. eric harms 2019-05-20

    why is this information not available anywhere?
  11. Rakhi Mitro 2019-05-21

    [~capsizeno4], For details please check this [link](https://devblog.axway.com/mobile-apps/product-announcement-new-crash-analytics/).
  12. eric harms 2019-05-22

    Hi, That link says nothing about the subscription level or the price. its very misleading. I was spinning my wheels for 4 days trying to figure out what the issue was, and nobody was able to give me a straight answer. Very frustrating, to say the least. On a lighter note, I did get the module to finally download, and was testing with a test app (IOS). I was seeing exceptions and logging breadcrumbs, using the documentation's code here. the crashes were appearing in my dashboard within seconds. https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides2/AMPLIFY+Crash+Analytics I believe after a crash you have to restart the app for the crash to report to the dashboard, but I can't confirm this. If you can confirm this for me I would appreciate it. I then applied the code to my real app, and I am now not able to see any crash logs in ANY of the apps of my app dashboard, this includes my test app that I was seeing logs in before. The ids of the apps so that you can see my logging in the dashboard are: test app: 5ce3037a5698dc5dcb5551bb real app: 569fcda71c22964945089614 Is there a reason why I might not be able to see crash logs after applying the module to my real app? I've attached the test app's build logs as trace for your reference. There should be a number of logs reported for yesterday and today in both apps, and I'm not seeing anything. update: Android seems to be reporting OK at the moment. The issue is only with iOS.
  13. Gary Mathews 2019-05-23

    [~capsizeno4] I can see your iOS crashes in your real app, but the correct time period needs to be selected. !Screen Shot 2019-05-22 at 4.53.29 PM.png|thumbnail! _Last 60 minutes_ will show crashes that have occurred in the past 60 minutes. Where _Last 24 hours_ will show crashes that have occured in the past 24 hours *PRIOR* to the current hour.

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