Titanium JIRA Archive
Alloy (ALOY)

[ALOY-481] Update all supported sync adapters to send correct parameters to success and error callbacks

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ReporterTony Lukasavage


The success and error callbacks for sync adapters in alloy now do not conform to the expected returned parameters as specified by the Backbone docs, seen here: http://backbonejs.org/#Model-fetch We need to update all supported adapters to send these parameters to the success and error callbacks.


  1. Tony Lukasavage 2013-01-23

    Changing the internal success/error handler signature appears to cause problems with backbone 0.9.2. We can revisit this issue when backbone is updated.
  2. Peter Eddy Pritchard 2014-10-05

    I have updated my own projects to use 0.9.10 and latest underscore & underscore.deferred. I return a promise in my sync() functions. https://github.com/wookiehangover/underscore.Deferred supports done(), fail(), always() and then(), which has proven completely awesome to work with. BTW >>> I test for options.success.length to see if the callback is looking for 1 or 3 params ... this is the major difference between 0.9.2 & 0.9.10. I have tested my latest code with the latest Backbone 1.1.2 & underscore 1.7.0, but I have nothing currently deployed running these versions. the sync() function I handle the success handler issue with: var success = options.success; options.success = function(resp) { if( success.length>1 ) { success(model, resp, options); } else { success(resp); } model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options); }; and then in alloy.js, I override Alloy.M & Alloy.C (and mixin underscore deferred and underscore string libraries: // The sync() function for Models and Collections should return a result ... otherwise fetch() and save(), etc // won't return a result ... unlike jQuery usage, which returns a jqXHR (a Deferred object) Alloy.M = function(name, modelDesc, migrations) { var config = modelDesc.config, type = (config.adapter ? config.adapter.type : null) || 'localDefault'; type === 'localDefault' && (type = 'sql'); var adapter = require('alloy/sync/' + type), extendObj = { defaults: config.defaults, sync: function(method, model, opts) { var config = model.config || {}, adapterObj = config.adapter || {}, type = (config.adapter ? config.adapter.type : null) || 'localDefault'; type === 'localDefault' && (type = 'sql'); // Make sure to return the value from this ... return require('alloy/sync/' + type).sync(method, model, opts); } }, extendClass = {}; migrations && (extendClass.migrations = migrations); _.isFunction(adapter.beforeModelCreate) && (config = adapter.beforeModelCreate(config, name) || config); // Add support for custom super-class var superClass = config.superClass || Backbone.Model; var Model = superClass.extend(extendObj, extendClass); Model.prototype.config = config; _.isFunction(modelDesc.extendModel) && (Model = modelDesc.extendModel(Model) || Model); _.isFunction(adapter.afterModelCreate) && adapter.afterModelCreate(Model, name); return Model; }; Alloy.C = function(name, modelDesc, model) { // Add support for custom super-class modelDesc.config = modelDesc.config || {}; var superClass = Backbone.Collection; var extendObj = { model: model, sync: function(method, model, opts) { // var config = model.config || {}, type = (config.adapter ? config.adapter.type : null) || "localDefault"; // type === "localDefault" && (type = "sql"); // Make sure to return the value from this ... return this.adapter.sync(method, model, opts); } }, Collection = superClass.extend(extendObj), config = Collection.prototype.config = model.prototype.config; var _adapter = config.collection_adapter || config.adapter || {type:"localDefault"}; var type = _adapter.type; Collection.prototype.adapter = require("alloy/sync/" + type); var adapter = require("alloy/sync/" + type); _.isFunction(adapter.afterCollectionCreate) && adapter.afterCollectionCreate(Collection); _.isFunction(modelDesc.extendCollection) && (Collection = modelDesc.extendCollection(Collection) || Collection); return Collection; }; // Replace Backbone.Model with Associated.Model for nested object support var AssociatedModel = require('backbone-associations').AssociatedModel; var BackboneModel = Backbone.Model; Backbone.Model = AssociatedModel; // Add support for deferreds Alloy._.mixin( require('underscore.deferred') ); // Import Underscore.string to separate object, because there are conflict functions (include, reverse, contains) Alloy._.mixin( require('underscore.string') );
  3. Peter Eddy Pritchard 2014-10-05

    sorry for the "code in comment". the point of the code dump was to show that I had to override Alloy.M & Alloy.C to return the value obtained from sync(). The other bits are things I drop into every Alloy project I work on. (Backbone without promises is not Backbone)
  4. Peter Eddy Pritchard 2014-10-05

    And that I allow for a configurable Model super class as well

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